Effortless Editing: How to Cut Clips in After Effects
In Adobe After Effects, when media is divided, the latter portion of the split image, audio, or video occupies a new layer within the composition timeline. This feature proves advantageous as it enables individual editing and application of effects to the cut and pre-cut layers without affecting the others.
Removing specific sections of a video is a common motive for editors to utilize the cutting function in After Effects. Instead of employing the time remap feature, which consumes CPU resources, most editors prefer to adjust the duration of the desired clip and subsequently trim off the excess by using the keyboard shortcut CTRL + SHIFT + D (more details on this can be found later in the article).
For novice users of After Effects, acquiring the skill of dividing video, image, and audio layers is vital. Regardless of the type of videos one aims to create with the software, the need to eliminate or individually modify certain clips will inevitably arise.
How to Split a Clip in Adobe After Effects
Before utilizing any editing tools in Adobe After Effects, the user must import footage or any form of media into the timeline. This can be achieved by opening After Effects and selecting “File” > “Import” > “File” to choose the desired video for cutting.
After importing the video footage, the next step involves creating a new composition. To accomplish this, the user can navigate to “Composition” > “New Composition” and specify the desired settings, including resolution, frame rate, and duration.
To incorporate the video footage into the composition, a simple drag-and-drop action from the project panel to the composition panel is required. Once the footage is present within the composition timeline, the user is prepared to commence editing and splitting clips. Here’s the process explained:
1.Selecting the Clip in the Timeline
To add the video footage to the composition, the user can drag and drop it from the project panel to the composition panel. Once the layer is situated within the After Effects composition timeline, it can be selected.
2. Splitting the Clip
To split the clip at the current playhead position, creating two separate clips for independent editing and adjustment, the user can navigate to the “Edit” menu located at the top left corner and choose “Split Layer.” Alternatively, a simpler method involves positioning the playhead at the desired split point and pressing CTRL + Shift + D on the keyboard to cut the clip.
Furthermore, the user can manipulate the end of the layer by moving it closer or farther from its original position, thereby trimming or stretching it (if the stretch tool is utilized).
As the user becomes proficient in splitting clips within Adobe After Effects, they gain greater control over their editing process and the ability to shape their videos with precision.
How to Cut and Delete in Adobe After Effects
When there is no longer a need for the remaining portion of a clip, it can be easily deleted by pressing the DEL key on the keyboard. Let’s review the process of splitting a clip and subsequently deleting the unwanted section.
1. Locate and Select the Clip
Identify the clip that requires editing and make the appropriate selection.
2. Position the Playhead
Move the playhead to the specific point within the clip where the cut should be made.
3. Split the Clip
Access the Edit menu and choose the option “Split Layer,” or employ the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+D (on a PC) or Command+Shift+D (on a Mac). This action will divide the clip into two separate segments at the playhead position.
4. Delete the Unwanted Section
Highlight the portion of the clip that is to be removed, and press the “Delete” key on the keyboard. This will eliminate the selected section from the Timeline.
By following these steps, editors gain the ability to precisely cut and delete specific sections of clips within Adobe After Effects, enabling them to refine their compositions and enhance the overall visual experience.
To wrap up
In conclusion, mastering the art of cutting and deleting clips in Adobe After Effects is a fundamental skill for video editors. By splitting clips and removing unwanted sections, editors have greater control over their compositions, allowing them to refine their storytelling and create visually captivating videos.
- The process involves selecting the desired clip, positioning the playhead at the desired cutting point, and using the “Split Layer” command or keyboard shortcuts to divide the clip into two separate segments;
- After splitting, editors can easily delete the unwanted portion by selecting it and pressing the “Delete” key;
- By harnessing the power of cutting and deleting in After Effects, editors can seamlessly remove unnecessary content, focus on essential elements, and craft a cohesive narrative;
- This skill empowers them to create polished and professional videos, regardless of the genre or purpose.
So, dive into Adobe After Effects, explore the art of cutting and deleting, and unleash your creativity in shaping captivating visual stories. The possibilities are endless, and with practice, you’ll become a proficient editor capable of transforming ordinary footage into extraordinary cinematic experiences.